Mole & Skin Checking

Early detection of skin cancer will significantly improve outcomes. In our Leicester, market Harborough and Warwick clinic  we aim to detect skin cancers earlier when intervention is most effective.

Our Mole & Skin Check Services in RPM Health Clinics in Leicestershire & Warwickshire will help you to detect Skin Cancer. Don’t Get Surprised !

Price list

Single Mole or Skin Lesion Assessment
£ 95

Expert dermoscopic assessment to evaluate moles or lesions for early detection of skin cancer and other conditions. Same-day results are available for 95% of assessments.

Up to 5 Moles or Skin Lesions Assessment
£ 150

Comprehensive assessment of up to 5 moles or lesions, ensuring thorough evaluation and a detailed treatment plan if required.

Full Body Mole and Skin lesion Check
£ 230

Full-body assessment with dermoscopy to identify any suspicious lesions, offering peace of mind and early detection of skin conditions.

Skin, Mole, Lesion Biopsy ( when there is diagnostic uncertainty)
£ 200

 Please be aware that this service is only for partial biopsy/removal of a lesion for histopathology and diagnostic purposes, or it was chosen based on a full-body check. If the whole lesion is removed, you will be charged accordingly. Histopathology cost is paid extra as per price list (£180).

We Can identify suspicious or dangerous lesions.

Dermoscopy images of 6 Basal Cell Carcinomas from patient’s back from one patient.

Dermoscopy images of 6 Basal Cell Carcinomas from patient’s back from one patient.

We Can also reassure you that suspicious appearing lesions are actually benign.

angiokeratoma, 3 seborrheic keratosis, melanocytic mole, eyelid angiomas.

angiokeratoma, 3 seborrheic keratosis, melanocytic mole, eyelid angiomas.

3 Reasons to choose us

Early Detection of Skin Cancer

During FULL Body Check all body areas are thoroughly checked.

Many early melanomas were found by our clinician in early stage , while still 2-3 mm in size. Therefore we don’t just simply follow ABCDE rules as your GP would.

Immediate Results

Our clinician is an expert in the dermoscopy, therefore in 95% of the all assessments you will be explained your results during your consultation.

Rest of cases a biopsy of the lesion may be required.

One Stop Clinic

Most type of moles and skin lesion can be treated, excised or biopsied in our clinic.

We can refer you for lesions which normally require urgent referral to NHS such as a melanoma or an invasive squamous cell carcinoma.


Why would you need moles and skin check ?

Identifying skin cancers earlier improves outcome. For example, malignant melanoma, the most dangerous of skin cancers frequently presents as a new mole, or a change in the appearance of an existing mole. If picked up and treated early, 99% of patients will survive 5 years. If detected late, this figure drops dramatically to 25%.

What happens during moles & skin mapping?
Our experienced clinician will assess every mole as agreed per consultation type and take highly detailed images of all / or any suspicious lesions, storing this information for future comparison. We recommend that this assessment be repeated annually to monitor for any changes suspicious of skin cancer.
Who should go for moles & skin check?

Mole mapping is recommended for patients who may be at increased risk of melanoma, and in particular patients who:

  • Have a family history of melanoma

  • Have a personal history of skin cancer

  • Have new or changing moles

  • Have fair skin

  • Have a skin that easily burns

  • Have multiple moles

  • Have a suppressed immune system

  • Are exposed to significant sunlight (working or living abroad or working outdoors)

How much does it cost?
  • £ 75 Single Mole or Lesion Assessment

  • £ 120 Up to 5 Moles or Skin Lesions Assessment

  • £ 200 Full Body Moles and Skin lesions Check ** RECOMMENDED **

  • £ 200 Skin, Mole, Lesion Biopsy (when there is diagnostic uncertainty)

” Melanoma is not the most common of skin cancers, but it is the most dangerous if not found in the early stages” — Jane Green

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