Our Menopause Clinic

RPM Health Clinic offers expert menopause care, including hormone therapy, personalized consultations, and holistic support for women’s well-being.

About this service

At RPM Health Clinic, our Menopause Clinic is led by a British Menopause Society (BMS) accredited specialist, ensuring expert and compassionate care. We provide tailored hormone therapy, lifestyle recommendations, and comprehensive support to help manage menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, mood changes, and more. Our goal is to enhance your overall well-being and quality of life during this important transition.

What is the Menopause

Menopause is a normal part of the ageing process, it is not an illness or a disease and all women will go through it at some point in their lives. Yet it still remains a taboo subject, surrounded by mystery and secrecy.

Peri-menopause is the time where our ovaries begin to slow down and periods may become irregular and menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and poor sleep begin. After you have gone a whole year without a period, you can say you have reached the menopause. This means you can no longer become pregnant naturally. 

The average age of the menopause is 51 years, and with life expectancy currently being 83 years, this means that  many women may potentially spend a third of their life post menopausal.

HRT stands for hormone replacement therapy and is prescribed to women who are peri-menopausal to replace the hormones that their ovaries are no longer producing to elevate any symptoms they may be experiencing. However  HRT also offers long term health benefits if taken for a minimum of 5 years including reducing the risks of osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia, bowel cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Some women are fortunate enough to fly through their peri- menopause without any symptoms, or have symptoms so mild that they do not affect their quality of life. There is also a group of women who do not take HRT because they feel they should just simply manage their symptoms their selves.  There is also a small group of women who are unable to take HRT due to other medical conditions. 

Common Menopausal Symptoms

    • Hot Flushes

      Night Sweats

      Joint Pain / Stiffness

      Dry Skin / Hair

      Pain with Intercourse

      Sleep Disturbance


      Irregular Periods

    • Mood Swings

      Poor Concetration/Brain Fog

      Low Mood


      Panic Attacks


      Itchy Skin

    • Vaginal Laxity
      Vaginal Dryness
      Headaches/ Migraines
      Weight Gain
      Low Libido
      Urinary Incontience
      Recurrent UTI’s

    Common Q&A for Menopause treatment at RPM Health

    Why would I visit Menopause clinic over my GP?

    GP appointments tend to only be in ten minute slots. Currently getting a routine appointment is difficult and you may find it’s tricky to explain exactly what’s going on in that short time frame. Our appointments are 45 minutes long and we focus on understanding your concerns, health conditions and questions. 

    Why would I benefit from a private menopause consultation?

    Are you struggling with hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, poor concentration, foggy mind, low mood, anxiety, skin conditions, vaginal dryness, low libido or any other symptom that you can’t pin point to one reason?

    Having a consultation with Aly can help you understand how to manage your menopause and understand whether medication may help alleviate some of your symptoms. Sometimes lifestyle changes may be needed too and we can discuss all of this in your appointment.

    I'm still having periods, can I take HRT?

    HRT can still be taken by women who are experiencing periods still however it is just taken in a different way to those who have stopped their menstrual cycle. 

    You can discuss your symptoms with Aly no matter where you are in your menopausal journey. You will be able to see what the best course of treatment will be and make a plan together. 

    Having a consultation with Aly can help you understand how to manage your menopause and understand whether medication may help alleviate some of your symptoms. Sometimes lifestyle changes may be needed too and we can discuss all of this in your appointment.

    Do I need to get blood test to obtain HRT ?

    Many women ask for a blood test to diagnose if they are menopausal. For the majority of women over the age of 45 years, the latest NICE guidelines state that this is not necessary because they can show false negative or positive results. Therefore, blood tests are a waste of time and resources for the NHS. The blood test measures follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen. Therefore, HRT can safely be prescribed to the majority of women over the age of 45, based on symptoms alone.

    What type of Menopause Care is available?

    Some women are fortunate enough to fly through their peri- menopause without any symptoms, or have symptoms so mild that they do not affect their quality of life. There is also a group of women who do not take HRT because they feel they should just simply manage their symptoms their selves. There is also a small group of women who are unable to take HRT due to other medical conditions. However, menopause care is not just about prescribing medication. It is important to discuss the physical symptoms and alternative approaches to manage these. Diet, exercise, lifestyle advice as well as coping strategies to use in the home and in the workplace to enable you to have the best possible menopause are also a very large part of a menopause consultation.

    How can you track and asses your symptoms?

    The Greene Climacteric Scale (GCS) is a Menopause Symptom Scale to help you identify where you are on your menopause journey and can be handy to print out, fill in and take to your GP when you go to see them about your symptoms


    What are the three stages of the menopause?
    • Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. It is the time where hormones start to decline and you may notice a change in your menstrual cycles. Some symptoms such as hot flushes or vaginal dryness may be present at this stage.
    • Menopause occurs when you’ve gone 12 months without a period.
    • Postmenopause is the time after menopause has occurred and you may find lingering symptoms remain here where treatments like HRT may be useful to combat the loss of hormones.


    I haven't had any symptoms, do I need HRT?

    Some women can sail through the menopause without any major symptoms or side effects. Whilst this is great news for your day-to-day living, HRT is still an incredibly useful tool to aid our overall menopausal health.

    When our estrogen levels drop during this time it can affect our bone health. As we lose bone mass there is a chance that brittle bones can lead to osteoporosis so keeping your hormone levels topped up can help combat this.

    Similarly, HRT can help with heart health, weight gain, sleep, moods and vaginal health. Speak to Aly about your journey because not all journey’s have to be difficult and protecting ourselves early on can strengthen our later years.

    • Menopause occurs when you’ve gone 12 months without a period.
    • Postmenopause is the time after menopause has occurred and you may find lingering symptoms remain here where treatments like HRT may be useful to combat the loss of hormones.


    Can I have Virtual ( telehealth) appointment?

    We offer virtual menopause clinics to women across the UK who would prefer to go online or who cannot make it into the physical clinic but want to utilise Aly’s expertise.

    Whether you prefer to fit it into your working day, live further away or want to be in your own home comforts we can make it work. We still offer the full consultation experience and can write to your GP no matter where in the UK.

    Price list

    45 min Menopause Initial Consultation

    £ 195

    Face to face or Video (Telehealth) appointments available

    20 min Follow Up Menopause Consultation

    £ 95

    Face to face or Video (Telehealth) appointment available 

    45 min Testosterone Initial Consultation

    £ 195

    Face to face or Video (Telehealth) appointment available 

    20 min Testosterone Follow Up Consultation

    £ 95

    Face to face or Video (Telehealth) appointment availalble

    Menopause Blood Test

    £ 100

    Includes  blood drawing

    Book to receive expert medical attention promptly with our expert BMS( British Menopause Society) accredited specialist, for your health needs to be  addressed efficiently and effectively.

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